Monday, April 06, 2009

Camille Two Months

Another month gone by and new milestones! I can smile and coo now! I'm getting to be such a big girl. I'm sleeping through the night- most nights anyway! At my two month check up I was 12 pounds and 23 inches. I'm growing fast!

We have a fun routine now. We get up in the morning, have breakfast, bring William to school, go to Doggy Day care to visit Aunt Holly, come home for Lunch and then clean up and to laundry until Dad and William come home. In the evenings I snuggle with my Daddy on the sofa. I love the routine!
I'm getting used to running around in the car- I only like it when my Mom Drives and I fuss and stop lights! I have been having some colic, so my Mommy put my on the dryer. My Brother thought that was funny!

Camille One Month

This was an exciting month for me!! It is very bright and Loud out here in the real world!! I'm getting to know all of my family members- we have had a lot of people come over to see me! Everyone takes turns holding me and I love to snuggle with them. I sleept a lot and that makes my Mommy very happy! She says I sleep better than any baby she knows!

My Big Brother, William spends a lot of time with me. At first it was a bit hard because he did not know how to be gentle with me. He loves me very much and wanted to be near me anytime he was home! My Mommy and Daddy had to try hard to keep me from getting hurt because William is a bit rough- you know how boys are. We had a few close calls, but I made it through!

This month was a bunch of firsts for me.... First Bath, First Valentine's Day, and First Mardi Gras. Mommy and Daddy took me to some parades. We went to my Aunt Coco's house and my Aunt JuJu's house. That way my Mom had somewhere to go in case I got fussy. I slept through most of them in my Mommy's sling, but I think they were fun! Like she says, I'm a very good baby!

Friday, March 20, 2009

New Baby Cooling- Camille Juliette!

Well, we now have Baby Cooling #2.... Introducing Camille Juliette. I was born January 28, 2009 weighing in at 8lbs 6oz and 191/2 inches long.

I came into the world to meet my wonderful family and a new house. Everyone was so excited to meet me.... including my Big Brother William.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

We went to Altanta to Uncle Joe (Go) and Aunt Lisa's for Thanksgiving this year. Once again, I was very good on the flight- now I'm a well seasoned traveler! We went to the Georgia Aquarium which I loved. I've never seen soo many fish!! (I can make sign language for fish) It was nice to see all of the Cooling side of the family... I hadn't seen Gramma since Halloween.

October 2006- 14 months old

I'm growing by leaps and bounds now. Now I'm Saying a new word almost every day! I had my first haircut this month. I can run around(mostly away from Mama and Daddy), dance new moves and walk in the grass- these are my milestones this month.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Another Beach Trip

I went to the beach over Labor day with Mommy and her friends. I love the sand and the ocean. We had a great time!

One Year Old

Well I am one year old now and I am truely a big boy! I can walk all over, I can sign for "eat", "more", "juice", "puppy", "please", and "milk". I still love to dance and will stop to "feel the music" whenever I hear something good. I can say Momma, Dada, Up and I'm starting to say Ball and Bath!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

First time at the beach

I love the beach! We came to stay with Gramma for a few days then me, Mommy and Daddy went to the beach. I loved it! The water was fun and I liked the sand!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Eleven Months Old

Well I'm almost one year old! I can stand up very well and I say a few things: Dada, Mama and other things that are not really words, but I'm working on it! I am very good with my baby sign language and I can do "more" and I understand Milk, Eat and Juice. My Mom is trying to teach me "All Gone", but I am not very accepting of that one since I don't like my meal times to end. Lately my favorite things are swimming in my pool, playing with my new Elmo and crawling around the house at lighting speed! I also went to Mommy's work and got to crawl around her office! It was a big adventure!! Stay tuned because we are going to the beach soon!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Ten Months Old

Each month I grow more and more as well as smarter and smarter! I am beginning to stand by myself- only to about the count of five right now, but it gets longer each day, I am eating almost anything- I have a HEALTHY appetite, I can point at things, and I LOVE my swimming pool! I am beginning to thin out a bit, but I still have nice stocky thighs and a big belly. I have a new smile that I do now since I am beginning to get two more teeth on the top. The first picture is of my WORST HAIR DAY EVER!! My Mom came to get me after a nap, saw my hair and felt that she needed a picture. Next is me in the pool. Lastly is a picture of me after trying to eat the bubbles in my bath- I have a Santa Claus beard!!I miss you all!